目前分類:科學與健康 Science & Health (80)

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2007-03-01 [可樂實驗室] 可樂、生豬肉、蟲? What Happens When You Pour Coke On Raw Pork? (9523) (10)
2007-03-01 [ABC報導] 碳酸飲料會致癌? Soda Causing CANCER? (2708) (1)
2007-02-27 [超凡心智] 不可思議的男孩 The boy with the Incredible brain.... Savant autism Clip 1 (4494) (3)
2007-02-23 [看圖說故事] 全球暖化與章魚燒 Exclusive: Images Show Climate Change Worse than Previously Thought (3299) (1)
2007-02-16 [藍色星球] 李奧納多迪卡皮歐製作 leonardo.dicaprio_foundation's videos (1737) (0)
2007-02-13 [搶救地球] 地球的病毒 Animation about Earth (483) (0)
2007-02-09 [太空時代超物質] 全世界最貴的空氣 Aerogel - lightest, most expensive stuff in the World (3168) (2)
2007-02-07 讓黑白照片變成彩色的眼睛 Rainbow w/ Waterfall - Optical Illusion from StareClips.com (786) (2)
2007-02-06 生命中不可承受之...錯覺 Wonderful Optical illusions (796) (0)
2006-12-22 [加拿大虐殺海狗] 保羅麥卡尼現場紀錄 Protecting Seals: Paul McCartney (2315) (2)
2006-12-22 海豚群大屠殺 日本漁民血染海域 Sea Dolphin Slaughter in Japan (1402) (0)
2006-12-22 [謠言終結者] 破解指紋安全鎖 Mythbusters-Beat Finger Print Security System (1445) (0)
2006-12-21 美內華達州擬使大麻合法化 Nevada may Legalize Marijuana (771) (0)
2006-12-11 無線電基地台與手機的危險 The Dangers of Cell Phones (891) (1)
2006-12-11 [國際愛滋會議宣導片] 行動的時刻 Time to Deliver AIDS 2006 (506) (0)
2006-12-06 量子物理學 V.S 心靈秘方 The Secret (772) (0)
2006-12-04 [回應中國廢中醫事件] 針灸療法的科學證據 Acupuncture the evidence (1184) (2)
2006-12-04 [速食實驗室] 麥當勞薯條 Super Size Me - Fastfood Test (16452) (12)
2006-12-04 [日本健身教學] 如何讓自己變成.... Mariko Takahashi's Fitness Video (1866) (0)
2006-11-30 [身體自覺] 關於厭食症 About anorexia... (666) (1)
2006-11-29 [日本科學研究] 隕石撞地球模擬 simulated meteor strike (452) (0)
2006-11-29 [ADHD藥物致死] 孩童父母悲哀控訴 Psychiatric victim's parents speak out (648) (0)
2006-11-29 [醫學測寫] 瘋狂 藥物 精神病 Psychiatry EXPOSED! (415) (0)
2006-11-28 上路30年 菲律賓科學家發明水汽車 Water Car...Daniel Dingel (2666) (4)
2006-11-16 [向生命禮讚] 細胞的內在生命 The Inner Life Of A Cell (HQ) (319) (0)
2006-11-16 [全球暖化] 各位乘客請注意!Blue Man Group on Global Warming (365) (2)
2006-11-15 [慈善路跑的先鋒] 泰瑞法克斯的癌症故事 Terry Fox (1476) (2)
2006-11-07 湯瑪士薩斯: 被污名化的孩童 Dr Thomas Szasz on Psychiatry (849) (2)
2006-11-07 避孕貼出人命 500名婦女提告 Birth Control Patch: Alleged Cause of Death (275) (0)
2006-11-06 [科學專題] 由共振效果看創造與進化 Cymatics part 1 Bringing matter to life with sound (425) (2)
2006-11-03 新科學儀器 看走路認嫌犯 Gait_Biometrics (109) (3)
2006-10-30 北極熊的生存與滅絕威脅 Global Warming Polar Bears (289) (0)
2006-10-27 [BBC超自然科學專輯] 催眠療法 Hypnotherapy Helps Others (184) (0)
2006-10-26 [BBC專題] 布希政府掩蓋全球暖化事實 Climate chaos: Bush's climate of fear (199) (0)
2006-10-25 [CBC報導 ]流感疫苗裡有什麼? What's in a Flu Shot? (196) (0)
2006-10-25 [推薦電影] 我們到底知道多少 What the Bleep Do We Know (4785) (1)
2006-10-24 [重建巨石圈] 古巨石柱一人即可建造?!! Building Stonehenge - This Man can Move Anything (249) (3)
2006-10-23 [全球暖化] 領袖應該阻止的事--高爾訪談 Al Gore: Leadership Needed To Stop Global Warming (107) (2)
2006-10-23 CBC專題 基因食物之惡 gmo containment? (171) (0)
2006-10-20 [健康] FDA不能保護你 FDA Does NOT Protect You by Dr. Mercola (104) (0)
2006-10-19 關於進食的智慧 bite - bringing intelligent thinking to eating (99) (0)
2006-10-18 [全球暖化] 還剩多少時間?Global Warming (127) (0)
2006-10-18 [全球暖化] 高爾是企鵝人?(上下集) The Daily Show - Al Gore (153) (0)
2006-10-18 [全球暖化] 史蒂芬的[最樂於面對的真相] The Colbert Report - Global Warming (170) (0)
2006-10-16 誰在塑造你 鴿子告訴你 B.F. Skinner's Shaping Experiment (377) (0)
2006-10-12 [謠言終結者] 植物能感覺 Mythbusters - plants can feel (945) (0)
2006-10-11 成為素食者的30個理由 30 Reasons to Go VEG (105) (0)
2006-10-11 CBS報導 [盲天才] 海豚男孩 The Amazing Blind Dolphin Man (91) (1)
2006-10-04 BBC報導 西伯利亞凍原成沼澤 Siberia tundra creates more Global Warming fears (228) (0)
2006-10-04 美國政府推動人體晶片植入 Get a microchip implanted, it could save your life (1584) (1)
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