本影片為 Loose Change 在澳洲歷史頻道播放的預告片,他們預定今天播放。
還不知道 Loose Change 的,可參考部落格中[911真相系列報導]。
以下為一則來自911部落格中最新有關Loose Change影片的消息,目前全球已知即將播放該影片的電視台也列在下面。
Ladies and gentlemen,
a drumroll... Democracy Now with Amy Goodman, 8 AM, September 11th, 2006.
I'll be on debating Davin Coburn of Popular Mechanics, in studio, for broadcast on TV and radio.
How's that for a 1-2 punch?
Also of note, here are the international television stations which will be broadcasting LC2E on or near 9/11:
Planete France,
BNN Holland and Zembla Holland
VRT Belgium
TV2 Norway
TV4 Fakta Sweden
Canal Plus Poland
History Channel Australia
RTP Portugal
Exa TV Mexico
Noga TV Israel
Geo TV Pakistan
MBC Middle East
- Sep 11 Mon 2006 15:01
學生自製911影片 全球電視放送 History Channel to broadcast Loose Change on 9/11/2006