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2006-10-12 [謠言終結者] 植物能感覺 Mythbusters - plants can feel (947) (0)
2006-10-12 阿米許槍擊案 牧師狂笑:死得好!CRAZY RELIGIOUS WOMAN ON HANNITY & COLMES (158) (3)
2006-10-12 三K黨活動紀錄 Ku Klux Klan (234) (0)
2006-10-12 三K黨簡介 Return of the Klan (268) (0)
2006-10-11 成為素食者的30個理由 30 Reasons to Go VEG (105) (0)
2006-10-11 MSNBC採訪[伊拉克待售]導演 Greenwald Discusses "Iraq for Sale" (121) (0)
2006-10-11 [超暴利影片推薦] 伊拉克待售 Iraq for sale (170) (0)
2006-10-11 主流媒體報導 [伊拉克待售] Major media buzz on Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers (134) (0)
2006-10-11 CBS報導 [盲天才] 海豚男孩 The Amazing Blind Dolphin Man (91) (1)
2006-10-10 拉斯維加斯頂級表演--夢幻劇 Le Reve Dragone Wynn Las Vegas video (280) (0)
2006-10-10 未來科技服裝秀 Hussein Chalayan S/S 07 Full Show (416) (0)
2006-10-10 全世界最好笑的笑話 The Funniest Joke In The World (280) (0)
2006-10-10 咖啡裝飾藝術教學 Guy makes crazy coffee art (550) (3)
2006-10-09 擊敗麥克傑克森的鳥 bird moonwalk (148) (0)
2006-10-09 紀念烏克蘭大飢荒 The 1932-1933 Famine-Genocide in Soviet Ukraine (397) (0)
2006-10-09 1961福爾摩沙國慶典禮 Formosa, 1961/10/16 (1961) (95) (0)
2006-10-09 1959年的福爾摩沙新聞影片 Free China. 10 years On Formosa, 1959/10/05 (118) (0)
2006-10-09 他們不敢在學校教的事 History they don't teach in school (266) (0)
2006-10-07 CNN報導 美軍遺棄自己人(威脅版) Haliburton Convoy Ambushed in Iraq Driver Video & Interview (175) (0)
2006-10-06 [葡萄牙動畫精選] 貓和月亮的故事 Estoria do gato e da Luna - Pedro Serrazina 1995 (417) (1)
2006-10-06 冰島神秘巨人現身之四 puppet giant (122) (0)
2006-10-06 冰島神秘巨人現身之三 Attacked by Giant Puppet (112) (0)
2006-10-06 冰島神秘巨人現身之二 Re: Attacked by Giant Puppet (81) (0)
2006-10-06 冰島神秘巨人現身之一 Large Manikin iceland (251) (0)
2006-10-06 [Even Stevphen 精選] The Daily Show - 10 F#@KING YEARS (101) (0)
2006-10-06 當伊斯蘭遇上基督教 Religion (130) (0)
2006-10-05 [新選電影] 美國和約翰藍儂 The U.S. vs. John Lennon - Movie Trailer (197) (0)
2006-10-05 媒體手段--美國中立的神話 Peace, Propaganda & The Promised Land (7 of 10) (104) (0)
2006-10-05 菲律賓GMA政府的政治謀殺 Stop the Political Killings in the Philippines! (114) (0)
2006-10-05 Sky News 報導中國侵犯人權 Sky news Beijing - human rights violations in China (109) (0)
2006-10-05 [向大師致敬]懷念奇士洛夫斯基 Rememering Kieslowski (95) (0)
2006-10-04 惡質爛記者怎麼對付?Daily Show 出動 Rubbing Out Crime (157) (1)
2006-10-04 ABC報導 美軍刻意遺棄自己人 Home video shows US troops abandon ambushed convoy (81) (2)
2006-10-04 BBC報導 西伯利亞凍原成沼澤 Siberia tundra creates more Global Warming fears (228) (0)
2006-10-04 史上最真的水動畫 Scanline Flowline VFX (734) (0)
2006-10-04 五分鐘看伊斯蘭 5 min intro to Islam (188) (0)
2006-10-04 美國政府推動人體晶片植入 Get a microchip implanted, it could save your life (1584) (1)
2006-10-03 KBR--發戰爭財的企業 'Iraq for Sale' bonus scene: Soldiers outsourced to KBR (678) (0)
2006-10-03 發戰爭財的企業-黑水 'Iraq for Sale' bonus scene: Blackwater (309) (0)
2006-10-03 [芬蘭動畫精選] 最後的編織 The Last Knit (648) (0)
2006-10-03 BBC隱藏攝影拍攝中國器官販賣情形 BBC hidden cam finds China selling prisoners' organs (283) (0)
2006-10-03 [BBC旅遊節目] 喜馬拉雅之旅 Michael palin Pakistan (302) (0)
2006-10-03 Amish世外天堂 Amish Paradise (219) (0)
2006-10-02 X你媽的布希支持虐囚 F!!K!!G Torture passes through the Whitehouse (103) (0)
2006-10-02 Torture的定義? 哲學家的解答! Daily Show examines Bush power to legalize torture (113) (0)
2006-10-02 [美語新定義 -Torture] Matt Lauer Corners Bush on Torture (123) (0)
2006-10-02 伊拉克虐囚門案深掘 CACI made $$ torturing at Abu Ghraib then covered it up (305) (0)
2006-10-02 美國政府不願讓你看見的照片 Torture in Iraq, Gitmo and other places is only the start... (7593) (1)
2006-09-30 殺人鯨如何教育小孩 Smart Orcas (142) (0)
2006-09-30 NY街頭表演 drum and bass (53) (0)