目前分類:地獄般的真實--伊拉克 War In Iraq (40)

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2007-02-26 [伊拉克日誌] 我從未在一天內做出那麼多棺材 Iraq Diaries (2751) (0)
2007-02-26 伊拉克變成特洛伊 布希被編入荷馬史詩 (2029) (3)
2007-02-08 美軍"友善的攻擊"英軍影片公布 The " friendly-fire" death of a British soldier in Iraq. (684) (0)
2007-02-06 [美軍在伊拉克] 所謂的美國正義 US Tank crushes Iraqi civilian's car (449) (0)
2006-12-21 美軍如何教伊拉克兒童英文 Children in Iraq Tricked into Chanting Fuck Iraq (962) (4)
2006-12-08 伊戰失敗 白宮怪到女記者頭上 CBS's lara logan disputes iraq coverage accusations (1262) (0)
2006-12-06 美軍砲轟清真寺 只為感覺爽 Mosque Bombing in Iraq by Americans (748) (11)
2006-12-05 美國對伊拉克的三個選項 Iraq to Future (466) (0)
2006-11-28 美軍惡意戲弄伊拉克孩童 Iraqi Kid Runs For Water (448) (0)
2006-11-16 解放後的伊拉克光景 Iraqi People Speak (619) (1)
2006-11-14 伊拉克戰爭的IQ測驗 Hijacking Catastrophe - Neocons & American Empire (243) (0)
2006-11-13 親愛的總統先生 Jamison Dear Mr. President (597) (0)
2006-11-06 薩達姆 海珊被判處絞刑 Saddam Hussein Sentenced to Death by Hanging (884) (0)
2006-11-01 核爆巴格達 轟炸畫面 Baghdad Ammo Dump / Tactical Nuke Exploding in Iraq (251) (2)
2006-10-31 跳過白宮柵欄找布希 伊拉克美軍被捕 White House Fence Jumper Speaks (185) (3)
2006-10-31 入侵伊拉克:正確還是愚蠢? Even Stevphen on the War in Iraq (165) (0)
2006-10-31 [BBC推薦紀錄片] 巴格達:一位醫生的故事 (下) Baghdad: A doctor's story (195) (0)
2006-10-30 [BBC推薦紀錄片] 巴格達:一位醫生的故事 (上) Baghdad: A doctor's story (330) (0)
2006-10-23 [BBC報導] 英國情報員假扮恐怖份子犯案被抓 Manufactured &quotInsurgency" in Iraq (172) (0)
2006-10-23 [歐洲議會播放片] 美軍在阿富汗大屠殺 Afghan Massacre - The Convoy of Death (277) (0)
2006-10-18 [嘔吐推薦] 下一站? 關塔那摩之路 The Road to Guantanamo (382) (0)
2006-10-11 MSNBC採訪[伊拉克待售]導演 Greenwald Discusses "Iraq for Sale" (121) (0)
2006-10-11 [超暴利影片推薦] 伊拉克待售 Iraq for sale (170) (0)
2006-10-11 主流媒體報導 [伊拉克待售] Major media buzz on Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers (134) (0)
2006-10-07 CNN報導 美軍遺棄自己人(威脅版) Haliburton Convoy Ambushed in Iraq Driver Video & Interview (175) (0)
2006-10-03 KBR--發戰爭財的企業 'Iraq for Sale' bonus scene: Soldiers outsourced to KBR (678) (0)
2006-10-03 發戰爭財的企業-黑水 'Iraq for Sale' bonus scene: Blackwater (309) (0)
2006-10-02 伊拉克虐囚門案深掘 CACI made $$ torturing at Abu Ghraib then covered it up (305) (0)
2006-10-02 美國政府不願讓你看見的照片 Torture in Iraq, Gitmo and other places is only the start... (7589) (1)
2006-09-30 [專訪喬姆斯基] 權力與恐怖 Power & Terror - Noam Chomsky In Our Times #2 (254) (0)
2006-09-27 西方世界和伊拉克歷史 Iraq - Mad World (191) (0)
2006-09-26 伊拉克美軍自白濫殺無辜 Grant Collins: "It's My Duty to Speak Out" (181) (0)
2006-09-26 BBC揭發美軍屠殺伊拉克平民 New 'Iraq Massacre' Tape Emerges (117) (2)
2006-09-12 美國的戰爭企業化主義 Project for the New American Century (171) (0)
2006-09-12 為什麼他們恨美國 why they hate US (174) (0)
2006-09-09 美軍如何練靶 CNN--Wounded Iraqi Killed (118) (0)
2006-09-02 伊拉克戰爭真相 Uncovered: The War on Iraq - Trailer (494) (0)
2006-08-27 部落客串連 成功顛覆媒體 White Phosphorus and Bloggers (109) (0)
2006-08-27 美軍對伊進行生化大屠殺 Fallujah The Hidden Message (288) (0)
2006-08-27 被美國隱藏起來的伊拉克 They lied us into Iraq (155) (0)