George Carlin -1937年5月12日生於紐約曼哈頓。美國著名的脫口秀演員。
本影片為George Carlin 2005年的表演片段,"There is No God"。
"I've begun worshipping the sun for a number of reasons.
First of all, unlike some other gods I could mention, I can see the sun.
It's there for me every day.
And the things it brings me are quite apparent all the time: heat, light, food, a lovely day.
There's no mystery, no one asks for money, I don't have to dress up, and there's no boring pageantry.
And interestingly enough, I have found that the prayers I offer to the sun and the prayers I formerly offered to "God" are all answered at about the same 50-percent rate."
- George Carlin: Brain Droppings