穆米亞·阿布·賈邁爾 Mumia Abu-Jamal , 美國著名的政治犯/死刑犯。曾是得獎記者,也是知名的左派份子,同時是美國黑人覺醒運動--黑豹的成員,於1981年被控在街上開槍殺警而被判處死刑。被捕時是全美黑人記者協會主席。 國際社會普遍相信這是一樁相當值得懷疑的案件,(審問過程存在著明顯不公、法庭刻意忽視對穆米亞有利的證據..) ,並認為他真正被判死刑的原因是他向來反對警察濫用暴力,還是個保護工人階級人權的活躍份子。就一個反對警察暴力的人而言,控訴他殺警似乎再適當不過。直到他被判死刑,穆米亞仍舊堅持他是無辜的。世界各地反對死刑的人士都對穆米亞表示支持,並說對他的判決是出於政治動機,是美國種族主義司法制度的結果。 1995年賓夕法尼亞州下達對他執行死刑,結果因上萬人士在監獄外的反對示威而停止。多年後,當年的一位目擊證人對外表示,她是在警方的脅迫下才提供了對他不利的假證詞。穆米亞目前仍被關押在賓夕法尼亞的聯邦監獄。影片中的旁白即是來自穆米亞。
穆米亞廣播 Mumia Abu-Jamal's Radio Broadcasts
"The War Against Us All "
-Mumia Abu-Jamal/Prison Radio
This isn’t just a war against Iraqis or Afghanis or even Arabs or Muslims. It is ultimately a war on us all. That’s because the billions and billions of dollars that are being spent on this war—the cost of tanks, rocketry, bullets, and yes, even salaries for the 125,000 plus troops—is money that will never be spent on education, on health care, on the reconstruction of crumbling public housing, or to train and place the millions of workers who have lost manufacturing jobs in the past three years alone.
The war in Iraq is, in reality, a war against the nation’s workers and the poor who are getting less and less while the big defense industries are making a killing—literally. What’s next? Iran? Syria? North Korea? Venezuela? We’ve already seen the corporate media play megaphone to the White House to build and promote a war based on lies.
It’s been a long time ago, but that great Russian revolutionary, Leon Trotsky, said, “War is utilized by the imperialists, first and foremost, to crush internal enemies.” We’re seeing the truth of his insight when we see the sad state of American education, the rush of seniors to buy affordable medication from the Canadians because American drugs are just too expensive, the threatened privatization of Social Security, and the wave of repression that comes with an increasingly militarized police. Does the Homeland Security Department make you feel any safer? In Black America things get grimmer every day as resources that are already scarce begin to shrink even further. Young people feel that prisons are rite-of-passage, an inevitable place to visit. And a decent job seems like a distant dream. This is a war on all of us, and the struggle against war is really a struggle for a better life for the millions of folks who are in need here in this country. The fight against the war is really to fight for your own interests, not the false interests of the defense industries, or the corporate media, or the White House. Down with the wars for empire!
- Feb 08 Thu 2007 08:04
穆米亞獄中廣播 The war against us all by Mumia Abu Jamal